Usage with a ''Button'' C# with Example
public static class Res { /// /// URL: /// public static FontFamily Maneteke = GetResourceFontFamily(Properties.Resources.manteka); public static FontFamily GetResourceFontFamily(byte[] fontbytes) { PrivateFontCollection pfc = new PrivateFontCollection(); IntPtr fontMemPointer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(fontbytes.Length); Marshal.Copy(fontbytes, 0, fontMemPointer, fontbytes.Length); pfc.AddMemoryFont(fontMemPointer, fontbytes.Length); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(fontMemPointer); return pfc.Families[0]; } } public class FlatButton : Button { public FlatButton() : base() { Font = new Font(Res.Maneteke, Font.Size); } protected override void OnFontChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnFontChanged(e); this.Font = new Font(Res.Maneteke, this.Font.Size); } }