In this Post Upload Correct Image Format and Size
Upload Button Click Coding --------------------------- if (FileUpload1.HasFile == true) { String contenttype = FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType; if (contenttype == "image/jpeg") { int filesize; filesize = FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength; if (filesize <= 51200) { FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/") + FileUpload1.FileName); Image2.ImageUrl = FileUpload1.FileName; Image1.ImageUrl = "~/success.png"; Label3.Text = "File Has Been Saved Successfully - See Below"; } else { Label3.Text = "File Size exceeds 50 KB - Please Upload File Size Maximum 50 KB"; Image1.ImageUrl = "~/errorsign.png"; } } else { Label3.Text = "Only JPEG/JPG Image File Acceptable - Please Upload Image File Again"; Image1.ImageUrl = "~/errorsign.png"; } } else { Label3.Text = "You have not selected any file - Browse and Select File First"; Image1.ImageUrl = "~/errorsign.png"; }