Safe invoke multicast delegate C# with Example

Safe invoke multicast delegate C# with Example

Ever wanted to call a multicast delegate but you want the entire invokation list to be called even if an exception 
occurs in any in the chain. Then you are in luck, I have created an extension method that does just that, throwing an 
AggregateException only after execution of the entire list completes: 
public static class DelegateExtensions 
public static void SafeInvoke(this Delegate del,params object[] args) 
var exceptions = new List(); 
foreach (var handler in del.GetInvocationList()) 
handler.Method.Invoke(handler.Target, args); 
catch (Exception ex) 
throw new AggregateException(exceptions); 

public class Test 
public delegate void SampleDelegate(); 
public void Run() 
SampleDelegate delegateInstance = this.Target2; 
delegateInstance += this.Target1; 
catch(AggregateException ex) 
// Do any exception handling here 
private void Target1() 
Console.WriteLine("Target 1 executed"); 
private void Target2() 
Console.WriteLine("Target 2 executed"); 
throw new Exception(); 
This outputs: 
Target 2 executed 
Target 1 executed 
Invoking directly, without SaveInvoke, would only execute Target 2. 

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