Operator Overloading Basics C# with Example

Operator Overloading Basics C# with Example

 using System;

namespace CSharpClass
    class Coordinate
		int x {get; set;}
		int y {get; set;}
		public Coordinate(){}
		public Coordinate(int x, int y)
			this.x = x;
			this.y = y;
		public void Position(string type)
			Console.WriteLine("{0} Position: {1},{2}", type, x, y);
		public Coordinate Plus(Coordinate operand)
			Coordinate temp = new Coordinate();
			temp.x = this.x + operand.x;
			temp.y = this.y + operand.y;
			return temp;

    class OperatorOverloadingBasic
        static void Main()
			Coordinate pixel1 = new Coordinate(12,21);
			Coordinate pixel2 = new Coordinate(12,21);
			Coordinate calculated;
			calculated = pixel1.Plus(pixel2);
			calculated.Position("Actual Pixel");

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