Multiple Interface Duplicate Method Different Implementation C# with Example

Multiple Interface Duplicate Method Different Implementation C# with Example

 using System;

namespace CSharpInterface
	interface IDisplay1 { void Display(string s); }
	interface IDisplay2 { void Display(string s); }
    public class BaseClass : IDisplay1, IDisplay2
        void IDisplay1.Display(string s)
            Console.WriteLine("IDisplay1.Display() Called via {0}", s);

        void IDisplay2.Display(string s)
            Console.WriteLine("IDisplay2.Display() Called via {0}", s);

    class MultipleInterfaceImplementation
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            BaseClass obj = new BaseClass();
			IDisplay1 i1 = (IDisplay1)obj; 	//Get reference to IDisplay1
			IDisplay2 i2 = (IDisplay2)obj; 	//Get reference to IDisplay2

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