if, if...else, if... else if C# with Example

if, if...else, if... else if C# with Example

The if statement is used to control the flow of the program. An if statement identifies which statement to run 
based on the value of a Boolean expression. 
For a single statement, the braces{} are optional but recommended. 
int a = 4; 
if(a % 2 == 0) 
Console.WriteLine("a contains an even number"); 
// output: "a contains an even number" 
The if can also have an else clause, that will be executed in case the condition evaluates to false: 
int a = 5; 
if(a % 2 == 0) 
Console.WriteLine("a contains an even number"); 
Console.WriteLine("a contains an odd number"); 
// output: "a contains an odd number" 
The if...else if construct lets you specify multiple conditions: 
int a = 9; 
if(a % 2 == 0) 
Console.WriteLine("a contains an even number"); 
else if(a % 3 == 0) 

Console.WriteLine("a contains an odd number that is a multiple of 3"); 
Console.WriteLine("a contains an odd number"); 
// output: "a contains an odd number that is a multiple of 3" 
Important to note that if a condition is met in the above example , the control skips other tests and jumps to 
the end of that particular if else construct.So, the order of tests is important if you are using if .. else if 
C# Boolean expressions use short-circuit evaluation. This is important in cases where evaluating conditions may 
have side effects: 
if (someBooleanMethodWithSideEffects() && someOtherBooleanMethodWithSideEffects()) { 
There's no guarantee that someOtherBooleanMethodWithSideEffects will actually run. 
It's also important in cases where earlier conditions ensure that it's "safe" to evaluate later ones. For example: 
if (someCollection != null && someCollection.Count > 0) { 
// .. 
The order is very important in this case because, if we reverse the order: 
if (someCollection.Count > 0 && someCollection != null) { 
it will throw a NullReferenceException if someCollection is null. 

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