Handling Specific Types Unknown at Compile C# with Example

Handling Specific Types Unknown at Compile C# with Example

The following output equivalent results: 
class IfElseExample 
public string DebugToString(object a) 
if (a is StringBuilder) 

return DebugToStringInternal(a as StringBuilder); 
else if (a is List) 
return DebugToStringInternal(a as List); 
return a.ToString(); 
private string DebugToStringInternal(object a) 
// Fall Back 
return a.ToString(); 
private string DebugToStringInternal(StringBuilder sb) 
return $"StringBuilder - Capacity: {sb.Capacity}, MaxCapacity: {sb.MaxCapacity}, Value: 
private string DebugToStringInternal(List list) 
return $"List - Count: {list.Count}, Value: {Environment.NewLine + "\t" + 
string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "\t", list.ToArray())}"; 
class DynamicExample 
public string DebugToString(object a) 
return DebugToStringInternal((dynamic)a); 
private string DebugToStringInternal(object a) 
// Fall Back 
return a.ToString(); 
private string DebugToStringInternal(StringBuilder sb) 
return $"StringBuilder - Capacity: {sb.Capacity}, MaxCapacity: {sb.MaxCapacity}, Value: 
private string DebugToStringInternal(List list) 
return $"List - Count: {list.Count}, Value: {Environment.NewLine + "\t" + 
string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "\t", list.ToArray())}"; 
The advantage to the dynamic, is adding a new Type to handle just requires adding an overload of 
DebugToStringInternal of the new type. Also eliminates the need to manually cast it to the type as well. 

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