Example C# with Example

Example C# with Example

public partial class Form1 : Form 
Timer myTimer = new Timer(); 
int timeLeft = 10; 
public Form1() 
//set properties for the Timer 
myTimer.Interval = 1000; 
myTimer.Enabled = true; 
//Set the event handler for the timer, named "myTimer_Tick" 
myTimer.Tick += myTimer_Tick; 
//Start the timer as soon as the form is loaded 
//Show the time set in the "timeLeft" variable 
lblCountDown.Text = timeLeft.ToString(); 
private void myTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) 
//perform these actions at the interval set in the properties. 
lblCountDown.Text = timeLeft.ToString(); 
timeLeft -= 1; 
if (timeLeft < 0) 

Results in... 
And so on... 

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