Equality Operator Overloading C# with Example

Equality Operator Overloading C# with Example

 	using System;

	namespace CSharpClass
		class Time
			byte hour {get; set;}
			byte minute {get; set;}
			public Time(){}
			public Time(byte h, byte m)
				this.hour = h;
				this.minute = m;
			public override bool Equals(object arg)
				return arg.ToString() == this.ToString();
			public override int GetHashCode()
				return this.ToString().GetHashCode();
			public static bool operator ==(Time operand1, Time operand2)
				return operand1.Equals(operand2);

			public static bool operator !=(Time operand1, Time operand2)
				return !operand1.Equals(operand2);

		class EqualityOperatorOverloading
			static void Main()
				Time hmt = new Time(12, 10);
				Time sonata = new Time(12, 10);
				Time titan = new Time(10, 20);
				Console.WriteLine("HTML == SONATA: {0}", hmt==sonata);
				Console.WriteLine("HTML != SONATA: {0}\n", hmt!=sonata);
				Console.WriteLine("HTML == TITAN: {0}", hmt==titan);
				Console.WriteLine("HTML != TITAN: {0}", hmt!=titan);

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