Delete Callback From Method Invocation List C# with Example

Delete Callback From Method Invocation List C# with Example

 using System;

namespace CSharpDelegate
	delegate void MyDelegate();	//Delegate Declaration
	class DeleteCallbackFromMethodInvocationList
		static void Main()
			MyDelegate callMethod = new MyDelegate(Display);
			Console.WriteLine("After adding all methods in Invocation List");
			callMethod += Hello;
			callMethod = callMethod + Hi;
			callMethod += Bye;
			Console.WriteLine("\nAfter deleting Hi() and Bye() methods from Invocation List");
			callMethod -= Hi;
			callMethod = callMethod - Bye;
		public static void Display()
			Console.WriteLine("This is Display() Method.");
		public static void Hello()
			Console.WriteLine("This is Hello() Method.");
		public static void Hi()
			Console.WriteLine("This is Hi() Method.");
		public static void Bye()
			Console.WriteLine("This is Bye Method.");

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