Creating Background Thread C# with Example
using System; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace CSharpMultiThreading { public class Printer { //Step1: Method to be executed as Secondary Thread public void PrintNumbers() { // Display Thread info. Console.WriteLine("-> {0} is executing PrintNumbers()",Thread.CurrentThread.Name); // Print out numbers. Console.Write("Your numbers: "); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Console.Write("{0}, ", i); Thread.Sleep(2000); } } } class UsingThreadStartDelegate { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("Do you want [1] or [2] threads? "); string threadCount = Console.ReadLine(); // Name the current thread. Thread primaryThread = Thread.CurrentThread; primaryThread.Name = "Primary"; // Display Thread info. Console.WriteLine("-> {0} is executing Main()",Thread.CurrentThread.Name); // Make worker class. Printer p = new Printer(); //Step2: ThreadStart Delegate Object ThreadStart secondaryThreadCode = new ThreadStart(p.PrintNumbers); switch(threadCount) { case "2": // Step3: Create New Thread. Thread backgroundThread = new Thread(secondaryThreadCode); // Step4: Initialize Properties with Newly Created Thread. backgroundThread.Name = "Secondary"; backgroundThread.IsBackground = true; //Creating Background Thread // Step5: Start the Newly Created Thread. backgroundThread.Start(); break; case "1": p.PrintNumbers(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("I don't know what you get 1 thread."); goto case "1"; } // Do some additional work. MessageBox.Show("I'm busy!", "Work on main thread..."); } } }