Constructor With Watch Class C# with Example

Constructor With Watch Class C# with Example

 		using System;

		namespace CSharpClass{
		class Watch
			public byte hour{set; get;}	
			public byte minute{set; get;}

			public Watch()
				hour = 12;
				minute = 0;
			public void SetTime(byte h, byte m)
				hour = h;
				minute = m;
			public void DisplayTime()
				Console.WriteLine(hour + ":" + minute);
			class UsingWatchConstructor{
				static void Main(String[] arg){
					Watch hmt = new Watch();
					Console.Write("Time of the HMT Watch is: ");
					Watch sonata = new Watch();
					sonata.SetTime(10, 12);
					Console.Write("Time of the Sonata Watch is: ");

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