Combine Delegates (Multicast Delegates) C# with Example

Combine Delegates (Multicast Delegates) C# with Example

Addition + and subtraction - operations can be used to combine delegate instances. The delegate contains a list of 
the assigned delegates. 
using System; 
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Reflection.Emit; 
namespace DelegatesExample { 
class MainClass { 
private delegate void MyDelegate(int a); 
private static void PrintInt(int a) { 
private static void PrintType(T a) { 
public static void Main (string[] args) 
MyDelegate d1 = PrintInt; 
MyDelegate d2 = PrintType; 
// Output: 
// 1 
// Output: 
// System.Int32 
MyDelegate d3 = d1 + d2; 
// Output: 
// 1 
// System.Int32 
MyDelegate d4 = d3 - d2; 
// Output: 
// 1 
// Output: 
// True 
Console.WriteLine(d1 == d4); 

In this example d3 is a combination of d1 and d2 delegates, so when called the program outputs both 1 and 
System.Int32 strings. 
Combining delegates with non void return types: 
If a multicast delegate has a nonvoid return type, the caller receives the return value from the last method to be 
invoked. The preceding methods are still called, but their return values are discarded. 
class Program 
public delegate int Transformer(int x); 
static void Main(string[] args) 
Transformer t = Square; 
t += Cube; 
Console.WriteLine(t(2)); // O/P 8 
static int Square(int x) { return x * x; } 
static int Cube(int x) { return x*x*x; } 
t(2) will call first Square and then Cube. The return value of Square is discarded and return value of the last method 
i.e. Cube is retained. 

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