Code to access network shared file C# with Example

Code to access network shared file C# with Example

public class NetworkConnection : IDisposable 
string _networkName; 
public NetworkConnection(string networkName, 
NetworkCredential credentials) 
_networkName = networkName; 
var netResource = new NetResource() 
Scope = ResourceScope.GlobalNetwork, 
ResourceType = ResourceType.Disk, 
DisplayType = ResourceDisplaytype.Share, 
RemoteName = networkName 
var userName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.Domain) 
? credentials.UserName 
: string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", credentials.Domain, credentials.UserName); 
var result = WNetAddConnection2( 
if (result != 0) 
throw new Win32Exception(result); 
public void Dispose() 
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) 
WNetCancelConnection2(_networkName, 0, true); 
private static extern int WNetAddConnection2(NetResource netResource, 
string password, string username, int flags); 

private static extern int WNetCancelConnection2(string name, int flags, 
bool force); 
public class NetResource 
public ResourceScope Scope; 
public ResourceType ResourceType; 
public ResourceDisplaytype DisplayType; 
public int Usage; 
public string LocalName; 
public string RemoteName; 
public string Comment; 
public string Provider; 
public enum ResourceScope : int 
Connected = 1, 
public enum ResourceType : int 
Any = 0, 
Disk = 1, 
Print = 2, 
Reserved = 8, 
public enum ResourceDisplaytype : int 
Generic = 0x0, 
Domain = 0x01, 
Server = 0x02, 
Share = 0x03, 
File = 0x04, 
Group = 0x05, 
Network = 0x06, 
Root = 0x07, 
Shareadmin = 0x08, 
Directory = 0x09, 
Tree = 0x0a, 
Ndscontainer = 0x0b 

By using asynchronous sockets a server can listening for incoming connections and do some other logic in the 
mean time in contrast to synchronous socket when they are listening they block the main thread and the 
application is becoming unresponsive an will freeze until a client connects. 

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