Changing values elsewhere C# with Example

Changing values elsewhere C# with Example

public static void Main(string[] args) 
var studentList = new List(); 
studentList.Add(new Student("Scott", "Nuke")); 
studentList.Add(new Student("Vincent", "King")); 
studentList.Add(new Student("Craig", "Bertt")); 
// make a separate list to print out later 
var printingList = studentList; // this is a new list object, but holding the same student 
objects inside it 
// oops, we've noticed typos in the names, so we fix those 
studentList[0].LastName = "Duke"; 
studentList[1].LastName = "Kong"; 
studentList[2].LastName = "Brett"; 
// okay, we now print the list 
private static void PrintPrintingList(List students) 
foreach (Student student in students) 
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1}", student.FirstName, student.LastName)); 
You'll notice that even though the printingList list was made before the corrections to student names after the 
typos, the PrintPrintingList method still prints out the corrected names: 
Scott Duke 
Vincent Kong 
Craig Brett 
This is because both lists hold a list of references to the same students. SO changing the underlying student object 
propogates to usages by either list. 
Here's what the student class would look like. 
public class Student 
public string FirstName { get; set; } 
public string LastName { get; set; } 
public Student(string firstName, string lastName) 

this.FirstName = firstName; 
this.LastName = lastName; 

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