BatchBlock C# with Example

BatchBlock C# with Example

(Groups a certain number of sequential data items into collections of data items) 
BatchBlock combines N single items into one batch item, represented as an array of elements. An instance is 
created with a specific batch size, and the block then creates a batch as soon as it ’s received that number of 
elements, asynchronously outputting the batch to the output buffer. 
BatchBlock is capable of executing in both greedy and non-greedy modes. 
In the default greedy mode, all messages offered to the block from any number of sources are accepted and 
buffered to be converted into batches. 
In non-greedy mode, all messages are postponed from sources until enough sources have offered 
messages to the block to create a batch. Thus, a BatchBlock can be used to receive 1 element from 
each of N sources, N elements from 1 source, and a myriad of options in between. 

Batching Requests into groups of 100 to Submit to a Database 
var batchRequests = new BatchBlock(batchSize:100); 
var sendToDb = new ActionBlock(reqs => SubmitToDatabase(reqs)); 
Creating a batch once a second 
var batch = new BatchBlock(batchSize:Int32.MaxValue); 
new Timer(() => { batch.TriggerBatch(); }).Change(1000, 1000); 
Introduction to TPL Dataflow by Stephen Toub 

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