Async TCP Client C# with Example
Using async/await in C# applications simplifies multi-threading. This is how you can use async/await in conjunction with a TcpClient. // Declare Variables string host = ""; int port = 9999; int timeout = 5000; // Create TCP client and connect // Then get the netstream and pass it // To our StreamWriter and StreamReader using (var client = new TcpClient()) using (var netstream = client.GetStream()) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(netstream)) using (var reader = new StreamReader(netstream)) { // Asynchronsly attempt to connect to server await client.ConnectAsync(host, port); // AutoFlush the StreamWriter // so we don't go over the buffer writer.AutoFlush = true; // Optionally set a timeout netstream.ReadTimeout = timeout; // Write a message over the TCP Connection string message = "Hello World!"; await writer.WriteLineAsync(message); // Read server response string response = await reader.ReadLineAsync(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format($"Server: {response}")); } // The client and stream will close as control exits // the using block (Equivilent but safer than calling Close();