Array Of Interface Type C# with Example

Array Of Interface Type C# with Example

 using System;

namespace CSharpInterface
	interface IShape
		double Area();
    class Shape
        public double dim1, dim2;

        public Shape(double dimension1, double dimension2=0)
            dim1 = dimension1;
            dim2 = dimension2;
		public static void Display(IShape obj)
			Console.WriteLine("Area of Shape : {0} ", obj.Area());
    class Rectangle : Shape, IShape
        public Rectangle(double dimension1, double dimension2) : base(dimension1, dimension2) { }

        public double Area()
            return dim1 * dim2;

    class Triangle : Shape, IShape
        public Triangle(double dimension1, double dimension2) : base(dimension1, dimension2) { }

        public double Area()
            return dim1 * dim2 / 2;
	class Circle : Shape, IShape
        public Circle(double dimension1) : base(dimension1) { }

        public double Area()
            return 22/7 * dim1 * dim1;

    class MultipleInterfaceImplementation
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            IShape[] InterfaceArray = {new Rectangle(6, 7), new Triangle(12, 23), new Circle(7)};
			foreach(IShape i in InterfaceArray)

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