Accessing Property External Class C# with Example

Accessing Property External Class C# with Example

 	using System;

	namespace CSharpClass{
		class PropertyClass
			private int TheRealValue; 		// Field: memory allocated
			public int MyValue 				// Property: no memory allocated
				set{ TheRealValue = value; }
				get{ return TheRealValue; }
			class AccessingPropertyExternalClass
				public static void Main(String[] arg)
					PropertyClass propertyObject = new PropertyClass();
					int fieldValue;
					fieldValue = propertyObject.MyValue;	//Get Field Value via Property's set Accessor
					Console.WriteLine("MyValue: " + fieldValue);
					propertyObject.MyValue = 100; 		//Set Field Value via Property's set Accessor
					fieldValue = propertyObject.MyValue;
					Console.WriteLine("MyValue: " + propertyObject.MyValue);

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