Value type - short, int, long (signed 16 bit, 32 bit, C# with Example

Value type - short, int, long (signed 16 bit, 32 bit, C# with Example

64 bit integers) 
// assigning a signed short to its minimum value 
short s = -32768; 
// assigning a signed short to its maximum value 
short s = 32767; 
// assigning a signed int to its minimum value 
int i = -2147483648; 
// assigning a signed int to its maximum value 
int i = 2147483647; 
// assigning a signed long to its minimum value (note the long postfix) 
long l = -9223372036854775808L; 
// assigning a signed long to its maximum value (note the long postfix) 
long l = 9223372036854775807L; 
It is also possible to make these types nullable, meaning that additionally to the usual values, null can be assigned, 
too. If a variable of a nullable type is not initialized, it will be null instead of 0. Nullable types are marked by adding a 
question mark (?) after the type. 
int a; //This is now 0. 
int? b; //This is now null. 

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